10 de febrero de 2017

Beneath the surface

Is there ever really a right time?

You had led me to believe, someday you'd be there for me

When the stars above aligned..
When you weren't so consumed, I kept looking for the clues

So I waited in the shadows of my heart
And still the time was never right

Until one day I stopped caring
And began to forget, why I longed to be so close
And I disappeared into the darkness
And the darkness turned to pain,
And never went away
Until all that remained,
Was buried,
Deep beneath the surface...

A shell of what things could have been
Tired bones beneath a veil, of guarded secrets all too frail

Sad to think I never knew
You were searching for the words, for the moment to emerge

Yet the moment never came
You couldn't risk my fragile frame

Until one day you stopped caring
And began to forget why you tried to be so close
And you disappeared into the darkness
And the darkness turned to pain
And never went away
Until all that remained
Was buried
Deep beneath the surface...

I would scream just to be heard
As if yelling at the stars
I was bleeding just to feel

You would never say a word
Kept me reaching in the dark
Always something to conceal

Until one day I stopped caring
And began to forget why I longed to be so close
And I disappeared into the darkness
And the darkness turned to pain
And never went away

Until all that remained, was buried deep beneath the surface.
Beneath the surface..

Beneath the surface
Dream Theather
A dramatic turn of events (2011)

6 de enero de 2016

Solucionando el apagón analógico con una Raspberry Pi B+


Desde el 31 de diciembre de 2015, las televisiones que no cuentan con sintonizador digital dejaron de recibir señal de televisión abierta en México. Para poder ver canales en las TV analógicas, es necesario comprar un sintonizador digital, o contratar televisión de paga para la televisión.


Las alternativas que tenemos en la zona del país donde vivo (Veracruz, Veracruz), son:


Conocido en otras areas como Cablevisión o CableMAS, es el servicio de televisión de paga mas utilizado en la zona. Mediante tendido de cobre o fibra en áreas selectas de la zona, proporciona hasta 200 canales de video/audio, incluyendo los canales que se reciben por aire en la ciudad. Los precios van de los $219 a los $500 mensuales según el paquete contratado, aunque por un costo adicional también ofrece servicio de telefonía e Internet.
Al contratar el servicio, se nos proporciona un decodificador para poder ver la señal que viaja por el cable de cobre. Este decodificador se identifica por su numero de MAC, por lo que al cancelar el servicio el decodificador es desactivado, no puede ser usado por otros usuarios y debe ser devuelto. (Sin embargo, es posible cambiar la MAC del decodificador por la MAC de otro que siga vigente y seguir disfrutando del servicio.)

El servicio recibe quejas constantemente por el mantenimiento deficiente de su infraestructura y la pesima atención al cliente; sin embargo, cuando la infraestructura funciona correctamente en la zona, es uno de los servicios mas estables y confiables.


Distribuido indirectamente por Telmex en todo el país, es un servicio de televisión de paga vía satélite, contando con un catalogo de hasta 120 canales dependiendo de la región del país, y precios que van de los $120 a los $460 mensuales. Al contratar el equipo recibimos un decodificador con tarjeta de suscriptor, y una antena direccional con LNB incluido para la recepción de la señal, mismo que debe instalar un técnico de la compañía y no debe moverse.
Aunque el servicio es de buena calidad y el receptor proporciona una mejor calidad que el que proporciona Megacable, la zona tiende a ser climaticamente inestable; en eventos fuertes de norte o lluvia la señal se pierde por minutos, e incluso horas si el cielo esta lo suficientemente nublado.
La atención al cliente es mucho mejor que en Megacable


Totalplay es la alternativa con menos antigüedad en la zona, presta servicios de Triple Play (Internet, telefonía y TV) mediante un dispositivo receptor que actua como router y como decodificador de la señal de TV, que viaja sobre fibra óptica como vídeo digital. 

Proporciona la mejor calidad de vídeo y la mayor variedad de canales, ademas de permitir pausar, atrasar o adelantar la señal de TV, pero tambien tiene los precios mas altos. Ademas, solo proporcionan servicio mediante paquetes, no proporcionan los servicios individuales.


IKS (Internet Key Sharing) es un servicio que nos permite obtener las llaves de acceso a la señal de los satélites privados de compañías como Dish, Sky o DirecTV. Adicional al servicio IKS, es necesario conseguir una antena satelital direccional con LNB orientada hacia el satelite que queramos recibir, un codificador con la capacidad de aceptar llaves del servicio IKS y una conexión a Internet, ya que las llaves IKS se introducen al codificador vía internet.
La principal ventaja de este servicio es la de poder recibir señales satelitales privadas de otros países o canales que no están disponibles con los proveedores locales.
La inversión de la antena y codificador fluctúa entre los $1500 a los $5000 según calidad y características de los componentes. Ademas, es necesario contratar el servicio de IKS con "proveedores", cuyos precios van de $100 a $500 mensuales dependiendo de la señal de la que nos proporcionen llaves y la confiabilidad de su servicio.


IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) es un servicio ofrecido por muchos proveedores de TV recientemente, que permite acceder a los canales de televisión contratados desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión a internet, mediante un cliente de video propietario o una pagina de internet con reproductor embedido. El servicio tiene un costo adicional al contrato mensual de TV de paga, aunque hay "proveedores" alrededor del mundo que mediante una cuota mensual proporcionan "Listas de canales" en formato M3U8 para acceder a los canales desde cualquier plataforma con reproductores de video compatibles (Windows, OSX/iOS, Linux/Android, WebOS, Tizen, etc.).

Los precios por las listas de canales con los proveedores fluctuan entre los $100 y los $300 pesos, muchas veces es un pago único sin soporte técnico, aunque muchas otras el pago es periodico y en caso de fallas se presta soporte técnico o "garantía". 

El uso de IKS o IPTV sin contratar el servicio correspondiente con el proveedor de TV es ilegal en México, se castiga hasta con 8 años de carcel y multas que llegan a los 500 salarios mínimos.



5 de enero de 2016

The Male Romantic Fantasy

The Male Romantic Fantasy

I'd say that men usually feel most loved when this normal state of affairs is negated; when they are made to believe that a woman's love is not conditional in the cause-and-effect manner described in the parent post. Love is work for men, but it can be rewarding work when things are going smoothly and the woman is happy as a result. But the male romantic fantasy is to be shown that the woman feels the same way and stands by him when he's down on his luck, when the money's not there, or when he's not feeling confident. He wants to know that the love he believes he's earned will stay even when the actions that feed it wane (however temporarily). A good woman can often lift a man up in his times of need and desperation and weather the storm even when things aren't going well. The male romantic fantasy is an enduring and unconditional love that seems to defy this relationship of labor and reward. A man wants to be loved for who he is, not for what he does in order to be loved.

An interesting way to examine this is to look at what women often call romantic entitlement. An entitled guy is a dude who maintains an unrealistic notion of men's typically active role in love. Before acknowledging reality, this boy uncompromisingly believes that he shouldn't have to do anything or change anything about himself to earn a woman's love; he wants to be loved for who he is, not what he does.

All men secretly want this, but there comes a day when they eventually compromise out of necessity. After that day, they may spend years honing themselves, working, shaping themselves into the men they believe women want to be chosen by. A massive part of what causes boys to "grow up" is the realization that being loved requires hard work. This impetus begins a journey where a boy grows into a man by gaining strength, knowledge, resources, and wisdom. The harsh realities of the world might harden and change him into a person his boyhood self wouldn't recognize. He might adopt viewpoints he doesn't agree with, transgress his personal boundaries, or commit acts he previously thought himself incapable of. But ultimately, the goal is to feel as if his work is done.

When he can finally let go of the crank he continually turns day after day in order to earn love and, even if only for a moment, it turns by itself to nourish him in return, that is when he will know he is loved.


28 de mayo de 2015

Android M Wallpapers

Android M Preview's wallpapers, extracted from the Nexus 5 preview ROM from the Google I/O 2015.

-Wallpapers de la Preview de Android M lanzada hoy en el Google I/O, extraidas de la imagen de la ROM preview

2 de abril de 2015

Matrix Revealed

We find out that all of the humans are still in the Matrix. The Architect and Agent Smith both mention that the Matrix is an imperfect environment. Smith said that Humans rebelled at the ‘perfect’ matrix originally made for them. It turns out that the ‘perfect’ world is in fact the matrix that we’ve seen in the first three movies. It was never disassembled. The Zion level was created entirely for those minds that couldn’t handle the main level of the matrix. People like Neo and Morpheus who could see the glitches inherent in any large virtual world. The Zion level simply gave their mind an excuse to brush off any other inconsistencies they might notice.
This answers many of the lingering issues with the first three films. Neo can control the sentries in the Zion level because they are still imaginary constructs within the machine he is attached to. It explains Zion itself, a city with an extremely high level of technology, considering it’s populated by refugees. It also explains the Nebuchadnezzar and the other craft that seems to operate outside the realm of established physics. While they showed similar hovercraft in the Animatrix, these could be explained away as being implanted memories. Implanted memories would also explain why nobody seemed to recall Zion being destroyed and rebuilt over and over.

It would explain the basic flawed premise of the Zion level itself: The machines would need to supply a huge amount of energy to keep the humans alive, rather than use them as a power source as the Zionists believe. Even the evacuation tubes used to discard of humans that ‘wake up’ seem out of place. Why wouldn’t the machines simply recycle the body of anyone unplugged, instead of handing them over to the Zionists alive? It explains how Smith was able to enter the body of an actual human in the Zion level. We know that Smith is basically a virus, hijacking whatever body is convenient. Hijacking is a very common practice in the matrix level, and Smith seemed adept enough to jump levels. We know there was an error in his programming that allowed him to multiply. Apparently the same error allowed him to jump out of his designated environment. 
If you’ll remember, Cypher met with Smith. Cypher kept talking about how great the Matrix was to him. The food, the lifestyle were so enticing, so perfect, he was willing to betray his comrades to permanently relocate there, in his perfect world. The extra level also explains how cypher was able to get in and out of the matrix by himself. Remember that he was so good that he was mistaken for "the one" at one point. Apparently he has the ability to exit the matrix level at will.
So the story picks up with all of humanity waking up into a desolate world. There isn’t enough food, shelter, really anything to go around. Riots break out everywhere. Ninety nine percent of the populace doesn’t care about so- called freedom, and they all want back in to the matrix. The Zionists are unable to get control of anything, and Neo faces a real crisis of Conscience. He alone re-enters the matrix in order to seek out the Architect and the Oracle, partly to ask their advice, partly to get away from everyone. He finds the Architect, but is unable to locate the Oracle. Smith arrives on the scene, though with no humans to hijack he is pretty ephemeral. Because he wants a body back, he lets Neo in on the Big Secret: Neo and Morpheus broke the Matrix (with no small amount of help from Smith Himself) and now everyone is being forced to live on Zion level because the damage is too widespread to fix properly.
Neo jumps out to Zion level, where he soon finds the Oracle and learns he can indeed still fly and control things as if he was in the Matrix. What’s more, he is able to grant this power to others. It seems the Machines aren’t as interested in keeping this reality solid. Neo and his troupe learn that the machines are indeed willing to exist on a more limited level , and have plans on killing every human in existence.
Knowing that Neo is at the heart of this newest catastrophe, the Sentries and other assorted dangers try to take Neo out. During the first movie, the Agents tried to shoot Neo in the Matrix level in order to kill him. Despite all the talk given to the rules of the matrix, it still seems a pretty convoluted way to kill someone. This time, He feels lighting going through him, and through sheer force of will he again keeps himself alive. It seems the machines are trying to kill him again, this time forever, but Neo is actually able to mentally stop them from throwing the switch. Reality starts to bend and distort as the machines do more and more to try and stop him. What safety protocols existed are giving way to 'root level' attempts to patch the matrix. Neo starts to level jump at will, being chased all the while by various enemies. He jumps to yet another white room, a level unto itself.
It is at this point that Neo is finally able to break out into meatspace for real. He is the first human in centuries to actually wake up. He finds himself in a huge warehouse, still underground but nothing like the lightning towers shown in the first film. The maintenance machinery has no idea what to do with him, and he is able to finally escape. He gets to the surface, and feels the real Sun on his face for the first time. Aside from massive domes dotting the land, nature has reclaimed the planet. Presently, a robot emerges from the dome he has exited. It is humanoid, but looks like it has not been used in a very long time.
It tells him that he has won. While the machines did not want him to wake up, It is not the intention of robots to destroy the humans, and perhaps now it is time to try to again live together. While they allowed wholesale brainwashing within the matrix, The robot says they cannot kill their creators, and if the matrix universe won’t work, then so be it. At this point we see the inside of the nearest dome, where pod after pod shows signs to waking up. The humans are being released. One by one they stumble into the light, using the pod covers as togas (PG13, of course) The robot says goodbye, good luck, then powers down. Our view rises into the sky, as we see dozens of domes, with people coming out of all of them. We rise higher and higher still, through the clouds and into space, until we come to see a vast orbiting spacecraft. Lights are coming on, engines are beginning to glow, and the craft is slowly sliding out of orbit. Our view zooms into the craft, through several bulkheads, into a huge interior filled with a singe massive computer. We zoom into the computer, down to the chips and circuits, until we see the familiar green cascading language of the original matrix. The Architect steps into view, slowly becoming more and more mechanical. He is greeted by another android. It seems that the robots have been building their own matrix in space. This makes sense considering that the only reason the first robots existed was to serve us in Meatspace.
The Android asks the Architect if everything went according to plan. He says that we emerged earlier than was optimal, earlier than was planned, but that there are adequate food stocks in the domes for us until we get on our feet, and enough processed metals and materials to get humans on the road to civilization in short time. He also mentions that the climate engineering efforts have gotten the planet on a more secure footing for our re-introduction. It seems that far from enslaving us for these many years, the mechanical populace decided to protect us from ourselves until they could get the planet to recover. Now that we are back out in the real world, they are leaving Earth. Robots never needed a planet in the first place, and most robotic minds were simply uploaded into the mecha-matrix. The other Android, the ‘pilot’ says they are stopping at an asteroid for supplies, then heading into orbit around an outer planet, safe from solar fluctuations. From there they’ll keep an eye on humans, in case they are needed to help their creators again.

24 de agosto de 2014

Ahí sigue tu Notiver :)

"There are names we don't speak of, names we don't mention to anyone, and yet they are with us and only us, like a part of the dance that make us feel alive. Deep down in the memory of our amnesia".

3 de junio de 2012

3 de junio de 2012

.. y nos envolvimos en un abrazo, de esos que se sienten cálidos pero no calurosos; platicábamos de recuerdos, problemas y posibilidades, lo que pasaría y lo que no...

No había luz, pero la terraza nos dejaba descansar al filo de la ventana.

Vi como tus ojos se abrían cuando te lo dije; sabias que pasaría y aun así, parece que te tomo por sorpresa. A pesar del tiempo, también estaba nervioso.

Tal vez no fue el momento o lugar indicado, pero las circunstancias fueron buenas. Tal vez, después de todo, era la forma correcta de hacerlo para ambos...

... luego dijiste que si, y la luz regreso en ese momento. Muy exacto para ser coincidencia. Muy loco para ser casualidad...

27 de mayo de 2012

ROCKS (Guión para el vídeo)

Rocks es una distribucion Linux que permite al usuario implementar clusters computacionales. La principal meta de ROCKS es hacer fácil la implementación de los mismos.

Inicialmente estaba basada en RED HAT LINUX, pero las versiones mas actuales se basan en CentOS, con un instalador Anaconda que permite configurar rápidamente los nodos del cluster.

ROCKS incluye muchas herramientas no nativas del sistema, pero que son necesarias en todo cluster decente, como MPI. Ademas, el sistema puede ser adaptado a las necesidades especificas del cluster a desarrollar, mediante discos de instalación llamados “Roll CDs”, que le agregan funcionalidades nuevas al sistema.

Los Roll CDs mas populares son:

ORACLE GRID ENGINE: Para manejar, programar y procesar las consultas hechas a bases de datos distribuidas en clusters

CONDOR: para distribuir equitativamente la carga de procesos entre los nodos del cluster

LUSTRE: Sistema de archivos en paralelo, optimizado para el manejo de datos entre nodos de un cluster

JAVA: Para desarrollar programas en JAVA y sus derivados, orientados al computo distribuido y el procesamiento paralelo

GANGLIA: Es un monitor de rendimiento y carga de procesos, permite ver el uso de los recursos de cada nodo y en general del cluster.

20 de abril de 2012


Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.

Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

9 de febrero de 2012


Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking
And racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say.. ♫